Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Lately Tux has been blogging and now Kyo and Emmerson want to blog like Tux does so here is a dictionary about how Kyo Tux and Emmerson talk.
Spike = His favorite toy (it is an ice cream cone with a spiky is scoop of ice cream)
Spike Jr. = His 2nd favorite toy (a newer version of Spike)
my babies = my toys (includes Spike, Spike Jr., Elly, Ally, Mutt, and Taz)
Present Day = Christmas
Heart Day =Valentines Day
Green Day = Irish Day
Firework Day = 4th of July
Cook = McDonald cookies
the I word = ice cream (you can never say the I word around Tux or he'll go crazy)
go = lets go outside or go for a ride (same as ride)
Emmy = Emmerson
kiz = kiss
squeaky = fun
sqeaker = loud noises
bill = ball
K = Kyo
wov = play
wivv = fun
clash = loud noises
brick = door.
woof = bark
bad = in trouble
That was a dictionary of words used buy Tux, Kyo, and Emmerson. there will be one in the summer when Bailey is around

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this fun post. We like ways you used these certain words. Ice cream we can't say that word around our house either. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
    World of Animals
