Saturday, December 27, 2008


If you look at other blogs and thiers is really good could you do me a favor by telling me how I could make it better and telling me what you want to see. Thanks

Posted by Monkey


  1. Hi Monkey it is very nice to meet you! You'll get the hang of it as you keep blogging!!
    Your FL furiends,

  2. Hi Monkey! Tux is cute - Springer Spaniel? Mom's bestest furiend's woofie looked like Tux an was a furry sweet Springer. We's tabbies ourselves, tho we call Nina a Torbie.

    Rule 1 bout bloggin is - it's yur blog! If you see sumone else doin sumfing you like, ask them how they done it. They'll prolly be helpful.

  3. Victor's got it rite bout bloggin. It takes a while to get it like yoo wants, anyways. And blogger is bein pooey about changing templates lately anyhow.
    Good to meet yoo tho!
    Alla The Hotties
